Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Not your typical blog post

This is not something I would typically blog about.. And honestly, I'm not really blogging about it now.
The point of me posting the below letter is so that my friends and family have a website they can come to, copy and paste the message, and send it to their senators and congressmen so that action can be taken on this important topic.

The topic of the 2nd Amendment and Gun Control/Rights has not been so heavily in the news as it has been since 2/14/18. Politicians everywhere are receiving pressure, from all sides of the debate, to act and act swiftly.
There is something, however, very important that both sides are missing and it’s that middle ground. Alexander Hamilton once said “The constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United Sates who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” Should we banish all guns? No. However, as Hamilton pointed out, it is the peaceable citizens that should be allowed to keep their own arms. Currently the laws for obtaining a weapon vary from state to state. But there is one thing in common: the only thing determining if someone is “peaceable” is whether or not they have a clean record. In some states you don’t even have to have a truly clean record. In Wisconsin you can’t own a fire arm if you have been convicted several times and if you take a plea deal that doesn’t count as being convicted which extends the amount of time a violent person has to purchase a gun before that right is stripped.
James Madison wrote “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Again, we are missing a key phrase in his statement: “well-regulated”. Once again, we live in a time where there is very little regulation on who can purchase guns. In many places obtaining a concealed carry permit requires a possible 2 hour course and a clean background check and nothing more. There is no course to prove you learned anything from that class. No testing to confirm that you are peaceable and responsible enough to carry the burden of owning such a weapon. There is little to no regulation at all.
When men and women enter the military or the police force, they go through rigorous training to ensure they will be able to handle their heavy responsibility. Many Police Officers receive over 110 hours of gun training alone. While I am not advocating for this level of training, we are doing a huge disservice to our citizens and this country to require no training for gun owners.
When the Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd amendment, almost everyone owned a gun. Almost everyone understood the weight of that burden and had entire lifetimes of use with them. That is no longer the case. We now live in a time and a culture where a 40 year old can go and purchase a gun without ever seeing one handled in person or without having any training on how to handle the one they are purchasing. We have romanticized the gun and its power and have failed to emphasize how heavy a responsibility owning one is.
It is time we return to what the Founding Father’s said about guns and hold true to it. We need to ensure peaceable and well-regulated individuals are allowed their right to bear arms and non-peaceable and non-regulated individuals are not. The best way to do this is to require any and all citizens wishing to purchase a firearm of any type to go through proper training, including psychological screening to ensure they will be responsible. Once they have passed that test they would be allowed to purchase any legal fire arm with the stipulation that they must pass the test again every 5 years in order to maintain the right to own their firearms.
This should not offend the peace loving citizen that Alexander Hamilton spoke of as they should want to know that any and all of their fellow armed citizens are just as responsible and capable as they are. It would also bring confidence to those who choose to not be armed as they will know the person who is armed has proven they are trustworthy.
This should not offend the well-regulated citizen that James Madison had in mind when he penned this amendment as they will have the well placed confidence that they can handle an emergency when the time comes. It will also bring about confidence to the non-carrying citizen as they will know that the person coming to the rescue really does know what they are doing with that fire arm.
Peaceable and Well-regulated citizens are what we are missing in this current age of gun rights. It is time to bring that back. We must require gun owners to go through training to prove that they are peaceable and well-regulated as the Founding Fathers stated.
