Friday, July 20, 2018

A response to “The Transformed Wife”

There has been a lot of buzz on social media swirling around Lori Alexander (otherwise known as “The Transformed Wife”).  The hub bub has mostly been in response to a recent blog article she posted titled “Men prefer Debt free virgins without tattoos”.  According to her “about” page on Facebook her intent is: Learning about marriage, raising children, homemaking, and being a godly woman who desires to be transformed into the image of Christ! Meaning she has the intention of teaching women what it means to be a godly wife and mother. While this is a noble goal for any Christian woman, a few minutes scrolling her page and reading her blogs left me scratching my head. Her teachings are narrowly focused, unbiblical and, quite frankly, spiritually abusive.
Once I found her facebook page I found myself scrolling through and reading her posts and instinctively feeling the urge to comment on the most egregious ones. My intent was not to be abusive or to be a troll but a) to attempt damage control by pointing women in the truly Godly direction b) correct and rebuke someone who claims to be a sister in the faith and c) counter misleading stories with stories of my own life that show the errors of her narrow mindset. What I did not expect to happen was to be blocked. Yes, I was blocked. Now, to be fair, I don’t know if it’s because Mrs. Alexander blocked me or if Facebook thought I was a bot, but that does not change the outcome. I can still read her posts and read the comments, but I can no longer comment or react in any way to them on her page. I have never had that happen before. I was bewildered and amused. I always thought that kind of thing happened to people who were jerks, volatile and “trolls”. I never expected that to happen to me.

All of that was just the beginning. I posted about this experience, mostly because I was amused by it. Again, I’ve never had that happen before and I never thought of myself as the type to experience that kind of action. After I posted about it I thought that would be the end. We’d all have a good laugh and be done. Nope. Several of my friends asked me to write a counter-blog to this woman’s posts. I thanked them for their support and let them know I didn’t really intend to do that. I mean, I don’t have a huge audience (if any), what would be the point? But then I got a private message from  a good friend of mine; someone who, honestly, I want to be like when I grow up. She asked that I retype the things I had said to this woman and share it publically so that it could be shared. It really meant a lot to me that she felt my response was valuable enough to share. Because of that, I am going to share what I said. However, I want to go further than just sharing summaries of what I said. Since I have the infinite space of a blog to expand my thoughts, it seems wiser to share all I would have said if I had been at my computer vs. commenting by the glow of my phone at 11 PM (when I should have been sleeping).

I ignored several of her posts, mostly because I felt like it was a disagreement over an opinion but not an egregious issue but there were several others I felt compelled to comment on due to the damage they could do and knowing the harm it has caused my heart in the past to hear such things. I will not post, in full, everything that she said. Instead, I call out key points she makes throughout her facebook page and blog

So here we go. Hold on to your butts.

The gist of the article that started this journey is that women should remain virgins, avoid college and avoid tattoos. All of this is said with the intent of ensuring they are godly wives and attracting a husband. Please allow me to start by being crystal clear on a few things.

1.       It is godly for women (and men) to be virgins when entering into marriage. This is not bad advice.

2.       It is wise to be debt free.

The issues I take with her “advice” are not these two statements. Below I will break down what advice she gives in that article (and beyond) and why it is manipulative, dangerous, and wrong!

Key takeaways from the article:

·         Secular colleges are detrimental to impressionable young women. They teach against God of the Bible and His ways.

·         Going to college will lead women to be independent, loud and immodest.

·         The Bible calls upon women to have meek and quiet spirits and be submissive.

·         Men aren’t attracted to women with debt (which will happen if you go to college)

·         Men prefer women who still live at home and have never been in any kind of relationship before them.

·         Following her advice will make you “highly sought after”

·         Going to college means you are less likely to choose to stay at home and raise children

·         Going to college means your husband will need to spend years reprogramming your brain so that you are once again acting in a godly manner

·         Going to college means you will start a family later in life and that can cause fertility issues. Having children is the most important thing a woman can ever do.

·         Women will not learn how to cook, clean, sew or learn other homemaking skills necessary to be a truly successful wife.

·         Churches should be ashamed for supporting their ladies going to college

·         Women require the protection of their father until they can be under the protection of their husband

·         Anyone who doesn’t agree with her does not believe the Bible

In other posts she makes the following claims:

·         Spanking children is necessary to teach them to associate sin with pain

·         Women should not worry about their husband’s hurtful behavior as it leads to self-pity which is satanic. Women should do nothing to correct their husband

·         Women should not expect their husbands to help around the house as that should be their pride and joy to do those things

·         God commands us to be fruitful and multiply. Being barren is a curse, so if you are barren, that is God’s punishment on you. This also means women should not use birth control or choose to limit how many children they have

·         Women are to be married and have children. Doing otherwise is against God’s word

·         Women are not to submit to any other male authority but their spouse. This means they are not to speak in church or rely on their pastor for answers to questions. They are to only ask their husband and rely on him for guidance

She also goes on to share many stories about women who are “so unhappy” because they chose to go to college, work, be married and have kids. The goal of each of these posts is that the college education and work is what ruined their lives.  The verses she often refers to are found in Titus, Ephesians and 1 Corinthians. However, they’re all grossly taken out of context, both scripturally and culturally.

Here are the key points I attempted to make to her:

·         There are countless women in the Bible who spoke up, stood their ground and were independent. Esther dared approach the King, Lydia was a business woman, Mary (mother of Jesus) dealt with the scandal of being pregnant before marriage, and Ruth stepped out in faith to work in order to support her mother in law. I could go on.

·         College is also NOT evil. There is nothing in the Bible that states a woman is not to have an education. There is nowhere in the Bible that states an educated women is detrimental to being a good mother or wife. If a woman is strong in her faith, any information counter to God’s teaching will be discarded. This will happen regardless of a college education or not.

·         Proverbs 31 shows a woman who thinks for herself and works in and outside of the home.

·         Tattoos are a debatable topic. It is not essential to the gospel and is not a topic that everyone must agree on to live a holy and godly life.

·         Spanking is a punishment. Punishment teaches children what not to do but it does not teach them what they should do. We are called to discipline our children. This is taken from the word disciple. This means we should teach our children in the way that they should go. Spanking is not a mandatory part of that.

·         Jane Austin put it well in her book Emma when she wrote “Men do not want silly wives”

·         The advice provided sets up women to be manipulated and controlled by ungodly and sinful men who manipulate verses about submission (as she does) to keep their wife under their thumb. This is ungodly. This is dangerous. This is spiritual abuse

Beyond just those key points there is more to say. I want to take a look at the verses she refers to often.

Titus 2:3-8:

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

Because this verse calls out children, working at home, and submissive to husbands, Mrs. Alexander takes this to mean that we must have children to be godly, we must only work at home to be godly and we must only learn from our husbands as a form of being submissive and therefore godly.

Let me be clear, being reverent in behavior does not mean not having an opinion of your own and being unwilling to share it. Rebuking someone for their wrong thinking is not slander. Loving your spouse and your children is beautiful and wise but not the end all be all of your whole existence. Submissive to your husband is correct, but submissive does not mean incapable of making or voicing your own decisions or seeking wisdom from other wise people (male or female). For proof of this, go back and read the stories of the women I listed above as they are all beautiful examples of strong and godly women. That’s not even an exhaustive list of the strong women found in God’s sacred word.

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Again, this is very solid advice. Fathers should be gentle with their children and bring them up to be godly sons and daughters. Why she decides to use this as a means to manipulate it as a way to say “women should raise and nurture the children but men must be the sole contributor to what it means to be godly”… is baffling. I believe her essential point was that women aren’t leaning on their father’s for proper understanding of the Bible…. Which may or may not be true but that doesn’t prove her right or wrong so it’s irrelevant.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35

The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.

Ladies, this is a big one. She takes a huge left turn here. She is missing a large piece of cultural context. In the early church, you sat around a teacher and not just listened but discussed what was being taught. Much like Sunday school is today. At this point in history, the church was intended to educate men. Jewish men were to memorize and recite scripture. Since a woman would be less likely to understand the topics at hand (being she probably had zero education in that culture) it would have been disruptive for her to be constantly asking questions to “catch up”. It would be wiser to save her questions at home where her husband can take the needed time to help her get up to speed. There is actually something important and beautiful about that process. The point wasn’t that women shouldn’t be educated. God is calling women to be educated, but just not to do it in a way that is distracting and hindering to those already in the know on the topic. That makes sense. When I trained new hires at work, it was difficult to keep the pace going if I had one or two people asking relentless questions because they couldn’t seem to keep up with the rest of the group. It’s a challenge.

Church is no longer structured this way and women have biblical educations from infancy (if raised in Christian homes). Sunday school exists for all to have discussion and if anyone (male or female) asks questions that will take away from the goal for the class, it gets tabled and discussed as a one off later.

Mrs. Alexander uses this verse to emphasize that women should not just be quiet, but not seek out their pastor later for clarification. Because, this verse is ‘very clear’ that women are to only ask their husbands. Couple those verses with the others and she sets up a disaster situation. One in which women must rely solely on their husbands or older women for knowledge on God and godly living.  If their spouse is dead, they will have to go back to relying on their father. If their father is dead, well that only leaves older women. If their spouse has poor understanding (or evil understanding) they are then passing that poor and evil understanding on to her and she has no recourse.

Mrs. Alexander takes an extremely literal view of what the Bible says and anyone who disagrees with her (regardless of their level of seminary education, reliability or gender) is satanic, evil and not to be trusted. This is even worse than the advice she gives as the Bible is clear that being open to advice, challenges to your belief and rebuke from your brothers and sisters is an important part of being a healthy and well-rounded Christian.

Finally, I humbly submitted my own life as an example that you can, in fact, live a happy and godly life while being educated, working full time and having tattoos.

For those who don’t know me or my life, allow me to share. My husband and I met in college. My husband loves that I am opinionated, intelligent and have a heart for God. We both work full time. This is not because we desire to have more. We don’t have a second house, we don’t own a boat, and we don’t take frequent crazy expensive vacations. We work so that we can afford the home we live in, put food on the table, take our kids places on occasion and be stable enough to be obedient to God and expand our family with a foster child (in the near future). Beyond that, I work because I enjoy it. I feel fulfilled and knowing that I can use my skills to contribute to society actually allows me to be a better mom to my children because I can help show them the value of hard work, using your mind, and see women as valuable members of society (outside of the home). While being busy has its seasons of stress, my husband and I rarely fight (honest) and live sacrificially for each other. My husband cooks because he loves to cook (which is good because I find it stressful), he helps with raising the children to be godly, he helps with laundry, cleaning, maintenance on the house and a number of other things. We are a team and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

There is no verse in the Bible that says a man can’t or shouldn’t do those things.

On that note, let me make sure that I’m clear on something else. Women who want to stay at home and raise their children are beautiful. Those who desire to have a lot of children are beautiful. Those who know how to cook and to sew and find great joy in spending their time and energy on their kids are beautiful. One of the things I found most hurtful by Mrs. Alexander’s posts were that she continues to make this an “us vs. them” issue. People who rebuke her must hate stay at home moms. Those who disagree believe that having kids is an awful idea. To not want to stay at home and put your sole function into a family means you hate God and hate those who want to live that way.

I don’t know how I or others can make this any clearer: We love God!  We love those who find joy in staying home with the children. We love those who find joy balancing a career and raising their children. What we don’t love is twisting God’s word or our own and shoving it into this one size fits all legalistic box. What we don’t love is someone taking away all the freedom found in Christ and binding it to an all or nothing law with only one way to interpret it. What we don’t love is seeing someone who claims to be a Christian ignoring the countless godly people (including respected theologians) in order to promote your own uneducated and narrow view. It’s dangerous and it’s sinful.

Finally, allow me to leave you with verses that counter Mrs. Alexander. Hopefully you will find some encouragement.

·         It’s okay to tell your husband he’s sinning in his poor treatment of you – Matthew 18:15-17

·         All are to speak truth to others and being angry or hurt does not have to mean sinning (but guard that it doesn’t lead to that). – Ephesians 4:25-26

·         It is okay to remain unmarried – 1 Corinthians 7:8

·         We are ALL to live self sacrificially. This means that a husband who cooks, cleans, helps care for the kids, etc. is just doing his part of living as a human sacrifice for the sake of his wife. – Philippians 2:3-4, Ephesians 5:28-29

·         God is not against a working woman – Proverbs 31

·         We all make up the body and the body has different functions, not all women must operate the exact same way.  – Romans 12:4-8

·         There is freedom in Christ; we should not be turning disagreeable opinions into law. – Galatians 5:2-4, Galatians 4:21-31, 2 Corinthians 3:6, Romans 14:14-23

I hope that my words have been encouraging to you and that you can live boldly for Christ knowing that your identity is found in HIM and not in what random bloggers say it’s found in.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

An Open Letter to Our Friends & Family

What we need you to know about fostering/adoption (from Amber & Matt Young)

General Information About Foster Care
  • ·         We are requesting ages 2-6, female, any race/ethnicity
  • ·         We have a few more steps in the licensing process: CPR/First Aid, Mandatory Reporting, Final walk through etc.
  • ·         Due to the work being done on our home we do not anticipate a child being placed with us until late November to early December
  • ·         We are currently working on furnishing the new child’s room so if you have any of the below (gently) used items we would be grateful:o   Girl beddingo   Toyso   Books
  • ·         The average placement lasts about a year, but it could be any amount of time from 1 day to several years.
  • ·         A child could be placed for a variety of reasons, but the most common reasons are: medical or food neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse.
  • ·         While our hope is to adopt, safe reunification with the child’s biological parent(s) is our (and the states) first goal. If the parent keeps falling through with their court-ordered action plan, then parental rights might be terminated (usually after about a year of non-compliance).
  • ·         The state’s goal of foster care is also for the child to live with kin versus an unrelated foster parent.
  • ·         It is illegal for a foster child to be spanked of physically punished in any way.

Anticipate the Foster Child To….
  • ·         Spend time grieving for the loss of their parents, siblings, school, toys, and pets.
  • ·         Likely be devastated when first placed in our home (even though we will be elated at our chance to help the child)
  • ·         Be very well behaved but become more transparent when the “honeymoon period” expires.
  • ·         Act out (shouting, screaming, or bad language). Why? It’s often due to trauma recovery or reactive attachment disorder (not because they need a “good spanking”.)
  • ·         Hoard/hide food or toys (possibly steal food or toys) due to past trauma or lack of having enough food.
  • ·         Be anxious about being in the restroom due to past trauma.
  • ·         Not be very verbal due to being developmentally behind.
  • ·         Possibly be vastly more mature or more immature than other kids their age (depending on the type and level of neglect/abuse they may have experienced.)
  • ·         Possibly look and act just like any other child! J

Anticipate Us (as Parents) To…
  • ·         Appear extremely overprotective with the foster child. Why? Many foster children need a stronger sense of stranger danger, and we also have a much higher legal obligation to be more protective.
  • ·         Need a lot of emotional support when the child goes back to the biological parents.
  • ·         Be very vague and private about the child’s past and current therapy progress (due to privacy laws)... We cannot share any private information about the child unless it’s something you’d need to know to keep the child safe – this is a legal requirement, like HIPAA for doctors or FERPA for teachers.
  • ·         Need your emotional support, prayers, and words of encouragement, as this will be a very hard transition for us, but even harder for the child.
  • ·         Not share pictures of the child’s face online due to privacy laws (unless an adoption is finalized)

Ways You Can Help Us
  • ·         Pray for us, the child, and the biological parents!
  • ·         Pray for God’s will (not our own desires) regarding timeline, child placement, and our role in the child’s life.
  • ·         Pray for our boys as they work through this transitional time alongside of us.
  • ·         Know that parenting a foster child is drastically different than parenting required for our own children.  Think about how your life was completely changed when you had 9 months to plan for a baby and several more months before they started walking.
  • ·         Ask the child about their interests and list of favorites but not questions about their past.  They will share what they are comfortable with when they are ready.
  • ·         If you have your own children, please strongly consider the following before sharing that our special visitor is a foster child: your child’s maturity level, ability to keep private information confidential, and your willingness to educate your child about the implications of misspoken words towards a foster child. We understand that children are curious; please see the link below for advice regarding this.
  • ·         If you see the child misbehaving, and we don’t see it, please do not reprimand or punish the child in our absence. Because we can’t share the child’s specific history of abuse, current therapy recommendations, or social/behavioral action plan goals, it is important for us to know what happened but be the one to deliver the consequence when possible. Please redirect them, and intervene when their behavior is dangerous to themselves or others if we are not immediately available to intervene.
  • ·         We really want to know to know from you if you see misbehavior (or really great behavior) because we need your help in knowing where our child needs support or praise. Let us know because every choice the child makes is an opportunity for us to connect with the child and build trust or lose their trust, and we don’t want to compromise it.

Ways Well Intended People Actually Harm a Foster Child’s Progress
  • ·         Ask the child about their past
  • ·         Say anything bad about the biological parents (whether in front of the child or not)
  • ·         Ask the child about future adoption plans or give false expectations about being with us long term. These are out of our hands, and even if an adoption looks nearly final, there is still a good chance it will fall through if the state finds a relative before the official adoption date.
  • ·         Say thing like “you’re so lucky to be with your new family”. It is natural for foster children to grieve the loss of their biological family, even if there was good reason the child was removed from the home. Statements like this can make the child feel guilty about feeling sad or resentful that others do not understand how hard the transition is for them.
  • ·         For another foster parent’s perspective on what she wishes other people knew about foster children and foster parenting visit the website:
  • ·         For advice from another foster parent in educating or talking with your own children about adoption, visit this­ website: